Thursday, March 15, 2012

Touting a friend's work!

Our world has been blessed with this new book that was illustrated by my good friend and amazing illustrator, teacher, mother, wife, etc, etc, etc, Jamie Hogan, written by Caroline Arnold.  Jamie's link will connect to her blog and you will have the joy of knowing all of what she is up to. You won't be disappointed, I promise. No moss grows on this girl.

Jamie recently gave me a copy of "A Warmer World" and I was so taken with her beautiful pastel illustrations that just sent me over the moon.  If you need an idea for a special gift for a young friend or relative, please consider this lovely book. Also share this information with your friends and family and let Jamie know if you have any interest in using this book to introduce global warming to children. Enjoy!

There is now a website for "A Warmer World".  Check it out and find out what is going on in the realm of global warming. Expand those horizons!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Peg! You are such a dear friend to toot a horn for me. Your support means a lot, and all those dog walks on the beach sustain me more than you can know. Thanks so much!
