Before my sister in law, Donna, passed away I had been mentally preparing several blogs in my mind about subtle shifts I had been witnessing in my day to day meanderings. Since then, I have come to realize that subtle shifts are signs of an impending major adjustment, like an earthquake! I had forgotten this, in spite of the fact that I am married to a Geologist and had to take 14 hours of Geology for my own degree. I believe I will remember next time. I do so want to live a conscious life.

subtle shift #1
Several times a week all year long Sadie and I go backshore and walk along the ocean side of Peaks. It is never "old hat" as the color of the water changes, who you are with might change (other than Sadie and I), the weather is different, the wind, the smell, the time of year, time of day. Anyhow, you get my drift. There is a tree that has been in the same place, despite many severe storms, that appeared seemingly immovable. It got to the point that Sadie and I would go just to see that this was not the storm that would knock it loose. "Sandy" moved it. Our hearts sank as we thought it was gone forever only to find it nearby. We hope it will stay there for a while we know nothing is forever in our landscape.
It was included in my blog on September 11, 2009:
"A little further along the same walk, this part of a tree that is seemingly grounded in the rocks, that has survived many a storm and has not moved nor washed away. It reminds us that despite many changes, some things do stay the same. We are grounded somewhere, even if we cannot see it at that moment."
Please know that despite how it "looks", things are not the same. The tree used to be over on the right against the rocks. "This too shall change" is ringing in my tiny noggin.
subtle shift #2
Onward through the fog!
I am the queen of change. I have done nothing, if not change since the day I was born. I excel at change. It is my thing! I now see that if you live somewhere 18 years, you become complacent. It has been a new experience for me. I never saw it coming.
So, the best laid plans of mice and men. As my dear friend Peter says, "Voila!"
Where exactly are you headed?
subtle shift #3
Can you see where you are going or is it another case of complacency?
Plans are being made for a new venue.
Include serenity regardless!
subtle shift #4
I have been gathering data for some time about an alternative source of heat for the PPE studio. A pellet stove won out. It has been a good choice but as with anything, it is taking time for us to get acquainted.
keep trying new things!!!
Thank you to Susan Hanley and her Dad for sharing the 4 slip cast molds for a 17 piece nativity. What fun! It has been a wonderful experience that I always wished for. There are more sets to come now that I have a feel for the process. Thanks for expanding my horizons and fulfilling a long standing desire. I hope it honors your Dad appropriately. Thank you so very much!!!
The finished product in low fire slip.
God bless Lisa Evans for being such a great friend and getting me psyched to get involved with Watershed. So many forces came together that got the wheels moving to go for a wood firing in October and a gas reduction firing in November. Hooray!!! Never easy living on an island and committing to firings an hour away (Newcastle, Maine) once you hit terra firma. You must be nuts!!! EEEGADS!!! I did it anyways and many thanks to Lisa. Oh, sweet friend. They are closed for the winter but watch out! Lots will be happening in the Spring.
Loading wood firing.
The promise of what it might be!
What it was. Some luck in the draw.
While we were at Watershed, two residents opened the first firing of a new soda kiln. Just like opening a treasure chest. Yummy! WOW! How glorious! We are cheap dates. What a thrill!
Some of my results. Lots of disappointment but that is how it goes. Live and learn. The "Sadie" was made by my dear friend Jo Israelson long ago. I had been waiting patiently for a wood firing. Perfect, eh? Jo is also a sculptor extraordanaire! She has made two Sadie's, both wonderful!
A lot of my pieces in the wood kiln attached themselves to other pieces and did all kinds of crazy things. WOOOOHOOO!
In November, having been bitten by the bug, a reduction gas firing came up with the opportunity to learn how to fire this particular kiln. God bless Reed, who taught us how. Reed is a gift to all at Watershed. His kind and gentle ways speak with a loud voice. Thanks Reed! It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot too.
At the end of the year before Portland Pottery stops classes so they can do a thorough cleaning of the studio and have their holiday extravaganza. We put in our last bits to have out before everything closes down. Trying to get in the last things you might be able to sell at the holiday sales on the island or maybe just have some people stop by and buy. Regardless, another year has slipped by when you were not looking and you assess and make plans for a better "next year".
Wishing y'all the best this new one has to offer. Greet the new year with virtue, compassion and mindfulness. Always have love as your companion and you'll be fine. And love, choose to love anyway, regardless of anything.
All the best to you and yours in 2013.
Have a wonderful new year. Cheers to new beginnings.